Steaming pork ribs seem easy enough, just add in all marinates
like ginger, garlic, oyster sauce etc, let stand for 1hour and
steam in a wok. But each time the taste is different and not
like what we get from eating in restaurants until I got some
tips from Sister Ying.
The secret ingredients? Just add a tomato and you will taste
all the difference. I would never have thought of tomatoes in
steamed pork ribs as somehow they don't seem quite right.
According to Sister Ying, the sweet and sourish tomatoes just
blend in nicely with the rest of the ingredients. I tried it
and hubby was all praise, polishing the dish clean.
Minced ginger, garlic and chillies.
Chopped tomatoes.
Fermented soy bean paste.
A bit of sugar and soya sauce.
Pork ribs.
I did not specify the amount of each ingredients as its up to
yourself to gauge it according to the amount of pork ribs
used. But basically its one small tomato if the portion is for
2-3 person. Use 1 big tomato if you are cooking a bigger portion.
This is a simple and clean dish to make as it will not mess up
your kitchen with a lot of frying. Just add in all ingredients
and mix thoroughly. You may add 1tbsp of water but keep in mind
that when steamed there will be water in the dish. Steam for
about 45mins but if you are using organic pork it has to be a
bit longer. Somehow the meat of organic pork is tougher and is
not quite suitable for steaming.