I had never like the 'Brands" chicken essence which is so typical of
the Chinese version of 'pou' which means to nourish. Even from decades
ago, the 'Brands Chicken Essence' will always be the perfect gift for
visiting someone in hospital or a women in confinement after childbirth.
But taking chicken essence or extract has been believed to nourish our
bodies and give us energy. So naturally I was thrilled when I learned
from Sister Ying that you can make your own chicken extract. She said
that all her daughters took the chicken extract drinks made by her
during their childbirth confinement. But my mother or even mother-in-law
never knew about this home-make chicken extract during my own child-
birth confinement days.
Of course you will need special kitchen equipment to make this extract
and the usual one that I bought initially made of ceramic was too
cumbersome. There was a lady who told me to get one of atainless steel
which is much better,less cumbersome and if its possible to buy it in
Hatyai, Thailand which is much cheaper, about RM 125. True enough, I
find that this new stainless steel pot is really much better.
The Ingredients
The only 2 ingredients are kampung chicken and ginseng pieces.
When you buy the kampung chicken from the market, make sure that you
asked them to clean the chicken of its innards, and to discard all
the skin and fats. Also you will not need the chicken head and feet.
Clean and rinse the chicken thoroughly at home and its best to
prepare the chicken immediately or the same day that you buy it. Its
not good to keep the chicken in the freezer and prepare it the next
day because there will be too much water.
Next, using the back of a chopping kitchen knife, pound the whole
chicken especially the bony part until its like a pulpy mass.
Remember its only to pound and not to chop up the chicken. Place
water in the outer pot. The ginseng pieces are to be placed in the
inner pot with 2 cups of boiled water. The chicken pulp is to be
placed on the perforated plate on top. The idea is let the juices of
the chicken drop down on to the ginseng below when the pot is heated
up. After about a minimum of 4hours, your home-make chicken extract
is ready for consumption.
Details of the pot
the Chinese version of 'pou' which means to nourish. Even from decades
ago, the 'Brands Chicken Essence' will always be the perfect gift for
visiting someone in hospital or a women in confinement after childbirth.
But taking chicken essence or extract has been believed to nourish our
bodies and give us energy. So naturally I was thrilled when I learned
from Sister Ying that you can make your own chicken extract. She said
that all her daughters took the chicken extract drinks made by her
during their childbirth confinement. But my mother or even mother-in-law
never knew about this home-make chicken extract during my own child-
birth confinement days.
Of course you will need special kitchen equipment to make this extract
and the usual one that I bought initially made of ceramic was too
cumbersome. There was a lady who told me to get one of atainless steel
which is much better,less cumbersome and if its possible to buy it in
Hatyai, Thailand which is much cheaper, about RM 125. True enough, I
find that this new stainless steel pot is really much better.
The Ingredients
The only 2 ingredients are kampung chicken and ginseng pieces.
When you buy the kampung chicken from the market, make sure that you
asked them to clean the chicken of its innards, and to discard all
the skin and fats. Also you will not need the chicken head and feet.
Clean and rinse the chicken thoroughly at home and its best to
prepare the chicken immediately or the same day that you buy it. Its
not good to keep the chicken in the freezer and prepare it the next
day because there will be too much water.
Next, using the back of a chopping kitchen knife, pound the whole
chicken especially the bony part until its like a pulpy mass.
Remember its only to pound and not to chop up the chicken. Place
water in the outer pot. The ginseng pieces are to be placed in the
inner pot with 2 cups of boiled water. The chicken pulp is to be
placed on the perforated plate on top. The idea is let the juices of
the chicken drop down on to the ginseng below when the pot is heated
up. After about a minimum of 4hours, your home-make chicken extract
is ready for consumption.
Details of the pot

Perforated plate where you place the chicken pulp in the inner pot

Top view of pot.

Electric hot plate
Its much more convenient to use an electric hot plate.
You can just place the whole pot on the plate, set
the timer and its done.
If you are not able to get the above pot, you can buy the ceramic
one which you can get from supermarkets or even pasar malam.
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